Love and Logic (r) Classes

Parenting the Love and Logic Way™

A 6 week class that can be brought to your school, church, community center or home.  This curriculum will help parents/caregivers raise thinking adults with a practical and fun approach.


9 Essential Skills for the Love and Logic Classroom®

"Low stress strategies for Highly Successful Educators - to provide people like you an opportunity to make a lasting and positive influence in their schools and communities." (Fay and Fay)


Love And Logic Early Childhood Parenting Made Fun!™
Creating Happy Families and Responsible Kids
(From Birth to Six)

Learn simple and easy techniques that will help you raise respectful and responsible kids.




Adults Supporting Youth With Challenging Pasts™

Some kids come to our homes, classrooms or churches with emotional baggage that would be too heavy for even the strongest adult to carry.  This curriculum teaches proven skills that can help reach even the toughest kids.  Keeping in mind that we are all born for attachment and connection.


Crianza con Amor Y Logica™

Parenting the Love and Logic Way™ for Spanish speaking parents/caregivers.


Supporting Youth With Special Needs™

"Every child is unique.  Wise adults look at needs not labels. This class (is) designed to support adults parenting or working with youth having disabilities.  The information included is intended for those already having a strong understanding of the Love and Logic approach." (Charles Fay)